Intro 2020 has announced it is to distribute a new concept for accurate camera colour control. CBL White Balance Lenses are hand held disks that enable the measurement of neutral colour balance.
Intro 2020 has announced it is to distribute a new concept for accurate camera colour control. CBL White Balance Lenses are hand held disks that enable photographers to measure neutral colour balance by reflecting the light falling onto a subject. The product enables users to take incident readings from a light source to calculate colour balance, and has two different sides for use in a variety of conditions.
A white side is designed using a specifically formulated grooved board over a reflector lens that’s covered with a condenser, to give accurate colour balance in mixed lighting situations, low light or on cloudy and overcast days. The grey reverse side is formulated from a secret combination of 13 materials that have been tested to produce the most consistent colour balance, and is best suited to studio flash photography and direct sunlight.
To use the lens, photographers hold the unit in front of their camera lens, focus on the disc and then take a white balance reading using the camera. There are three sizes of White Balance Lenses to choose from, which will arrive in photographic shops this November. Prices start at £119 and more info is available at