A cameras complete range of features is unlikely to be utilised by the average photographer, though an understanding of digital photography as a medium in itself is no doubt more beneficial...
Title: Understanding Digital Cameras: Getting the Best Image from Capture to Output
Author: Jon Tarrant
ISBN: 0240520246
Publisher: Focal Press
Edition: Paperback
Review: A camera’s complete range of features is unlikely to be utilised by the average photographer, though an understanding of digital photography as a medium in itself is no doubt more beneficial. In this text-heavy tome, Jon Tarrant explores just this in great lengths, detailing the more technical aspects in tandem with the usual technique led-format of similar books. Towards the end there’s even an overview of the digital camera’s evolution, highlighting the key advancements and the major players behind them. Its tone and nature may be a little overwhelming for the humble compact owner but for the serious photographer it should be an engaging read. What Digital Camera Score 89%