Our book review of Face to Face: Rick Sammon's Complete Guide to Photographing People in Paperback by Rick Sammon
Title: Face to Face: Rick Sammon’s Complete Guide to Photographing People
Author: Rick Sammon
ISBN: 059651574X
Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Edition: Paperback
RRP: £21.99
Dimensions: 303 pages, 5.1 x 20.6 x 1.8 cm
Even if you dont specialise in taking portraits theres probably been a time when youve been face to face with someone taking their picture. No matter what level of people photography youre at, Sammons extensive experience conveyed in Face to Face will feature a pearl of wisdom for you. The title, divided into 49 lessons, has an informal and not overly technical approach to the subject. For example, while Sammon overtly courts the usage of the digital darkroom, the section explicitly featuring Photoshop maintains the conversational writing style. Much as Sammon promotes the virtues of interacting with your subject, the running text feels like a friendly voice guiding the reader, and as such makes for an informative and enjoyable read.
What Digital Camera Rating: 87%