Sony A5000 Review - The Sony A5000 replaces the NEX-3N in Sony's growing Alpha range of CSCs. The 20MP APS-C CSC features all of Sony's characteristic bells and whistles, and looks to compete with the entry-level DSLR market
Sony A5000 Review
Sony A5000 Review – Verdict

While the A5000 does feature a host of improvements on the camera it replaces – namely the NEX-3N – there are still areas at which it is slightly let down.
Although the addition of Wi-fi and NFC connectivity are certainly welcome, the rear of the camera could have done with some attention in the form of a higher-specified LCD screen.
However, the fact that Sony has paid some attention to improving the camera’s noise reduction performance, as well as the reliability of the white balance system, is certainly welcome.
On the whole, while it has its flaws the A5000 serves as a good entry point to the growing Sony E-mount set-up and is worthy of consideration as a first CSC.