Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography – Add a Dioptre to Make a Lens Focus Closer
3. Add a Dioptre to Make a Lens Focus Closer
Close-up filters are single-element lenses that look like magnifying glasses. These filters screw into the front element thread and can provide an inexpensive alternative to splashing out on a pukka macro lens. They come in a variety of strengths that are measured in dioptres. Close-up filters are often available in sets of +1,+2 or +4 dioptre magnification. Dioptres are also available to fit Cokin style square filter systems. Add a dioptre to a bridge camera or a compact to achieve real close-up shots. The golden ringed dragonfly shown here was shot on a Lumix FZ30 camera with a +3 dioptre added to the front element.
Golden-ringed dragonfly. Panasonic Lumix FZ30 fitted with a Cokin +3 dioptre. 1/250sec @ f/3.6, ISO 200.
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