Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography – Use Apertures to Control Depth of Field

4. Use Apertures to Control Depth of Field

To get the most out of available depth-of-field, select a small aperture like f/16 or even f/22. You will find that at half-life size the depth of field you can achieve at f/22 will be only around 15mm at best. On the other hand you may wish to go to the other extreme and show as little sharpness as possible by opening up to full aperture like f/2.8 or f/4. One advantage of the latter option is that any out-of-focus highlights will show as circle-like bubbles that can look very attractive. Of the two snowdrop shots shown here the left image below was shot at f/2.8 while the one on the right was taken at f/22.

Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Snowdrops


  1. 1. 1. Choose the Best Lens Option
  2. 2. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Make a Standard Zoom Focus Closer
  3. 3. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Add a Dioptre to Make a Lens Focus Closer
  4. 4. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Use Apertures to Control Depth of Field
  5. 5. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Blend Flash with Ambient
  6. 6. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Use a Third Hand
  7. 7. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Fine-tune Macro Pattern Compositions
  8. 8. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Point of Focus
  9. 9. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Check LCD Panel
  10. 10. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Raindrops
  11. 11. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Backgrounds
  12. 12. Top 12 Tips for Macro Photography - Butterflies
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