Our book review of Nude Photography: The Art and the Craft in Hardback by Pascal Baetens and published by Dorling Kindersley
Title: Nude Photography: The Art and the Craft
Author: Pascal Baetens
ISBN: 1405322187
Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd
Edition: Hardback
RRP: £25.00
Dimensions: 256 pages, 29 x 25.6 x 2.4 cm
There are few genres that spark more interest (both artistic and otherwise) and debate than that of Nude photography. Even the most subtle and beautifully lit yet abstract torso has the capacity to offend. However, the body possesses all the contours required to provide a fantastic canvas for creative lighting and composition, and has been inspiring artists and photographers for centuries. Its for this reason that Pascal Baetens has chosen here to focus, primarily, on the techniques and artistry of the genre, rather than the technicalities. It begins with a history of nude photography from the first daguerreotypes, through Man Rays solarized images, ending with a comment on what the future may hold. This is then followed with a comprehensive guide to different techniques for shooting nudes, and finally a photographers gallery featuring some of the best operators within the genre. Considering the often controversial subject matter, the book maintains an instructional air throughout at no times featuring flesh-for-fleshsake and featuring some fascinating behind the scenes tutorials to accompany the excellent images in the professionals gallery.
What Digital Camera Rating: 90%