Its fair to say that winning two round-the-world tickets would make you happy, especially if youre an aspiring photographer based in the far-too-often grey wilderness that is London...
Title: Happiness: How The World Keeps Smiling
Author: Maren Kleinert and Jan Enkelmann
ISBN: 3765816582
Publisher: C J Bucher Verlag
Edition: Paperback
Review: It’s fair to say that winning two round-the-world tickets would make you happy, especially if you’re an aspiring photographer based in the far-too-often grey wilderness that is London. This is exactly what happened to design industry employees Maren Kleinert and Jan Enkelmann. The idea for the book, in combination with the good fortune of winning the tickets, stemmed from an article in Time magazine, ranking countries around the world by ‘happiness’.
What followed was a two-month tour of 24 cities around the world, documenting what makes each individual citizen happy and what their perception of happiness is – from a cab conductor in New York to a rafting guide in Bali. Happiness is a travel book with a story – it combines pleasing portraits and attractive landscapes with an interesting study into moral and social values around the world.
What Digital Camera Score: 85%