Tooth and Claw is a groundbreaking education and communication initiative that explores and illustrates how modern Britain really feels about its predators and the issues surrounding them...
Title: Tooth & Claw: Living Alongside Britain’s Predators
Author: Peter Cairns and Mark Hamblin
ISBN: 1904445462
Publisher: Whittles Publishing
Edition: HB
Review: Tooth and Claw is a groundbreaking education and communication initiative that explores and illustrates how modern Britain really feels about its predators and the issues surrounding them. During the past three years, professional nature photographers Peter Cairns and Mark Hamblin have spent time documenting how modern Britain interacts with its predators, and what the predators mean to them. Whether it is on location with the gamekeepers of the Grampian’s or touring schools with the socialised wolves of the UK Wolf Conservation trust, Cairns and Hamblin have addressed the issues from every perspective. Compiled in conjunction with the assistance of a dedicated website, Tooth and Claw combines anecdotal first-hand accounts with a thoughtful depiction of the lie of the land with regards to the native predators of Britain. Juxtaposing the humble domestic cat with its near-extinct Scottish Wildcat cousin, for example, enables the reader to relate to the dwindling natural landscape of Britain. Combining emotive images, from human-animal interaction flying in the face of the ‘predator’ misconception to graphic imagery of persecuted natural hunters, Tooth and Claw truly does achieve its intended purpose – of ‘trying to change not necessarily what people think but the way people think’. 92% Product Dimensions: 31.2 x 23 x 2.6 cm Hardcover: 240 pages