Review of the Gretag Macbeth Eye One Display 2
Manufacturer: Gretag Macbeth
Model: Eye One Display 2
Price: £135
We all know the importance of colour management but few of us do it, as it’s often time consuming and unless you know what you’re doing, chances are high that you will get it completely wrong and cause more damage than good.
It’s getting easier though, and the first step to getting good colour is monitor calibration.
The latest Eye-One from Greatag Macbeth comes with software that walks you through the process, in advanced or easy mode. The unit attaches to CRT monitors via suction cups, or simply hangs in front of an LCD monitor and in about 20 minutes you have a new colour calibrated profile for your monitor. The profile is automatically saved and the software can prompt you for regular updating to keep your colour in tip top condition.
It’s not the cheapest solution on the market but it‘s easy to use and really makes a difference to your monitor. You’d be surprised how far out your monitor can be.
Once you’ve done the monitor, I defy you not to want to continue and calibrate your scanner, printer, camera and even your plasma screen (if you have one). This colour management thing can get addictive.
Who would have thought colour management could be so much fun
Easy to use and only takes about 20 minutes to calibrate a monitor
The price
What Digital Camera Score: 87%