Taking place on Friday 28 November 2014 from 18.00 to 20.30

Due to popular demand, on Friday 28th November 2014 we are delighted
to welcome back Heather Angel, the renowned wildlife photographer with a
passion for plants, mammals and macro photography.

See how
reflectors, diffusers and fill flash help to improve macro shots in the
field. Discover how to gain arresting macro still life shots with simple
lighting- including window light, LED lights, fill flash and a light
box. Examples of how depth of field is enhanced by using focus stacking
will also be shown and explained.

This exclusive seminar is held
at the home of Amateur Photographer and What Digital Camera in the Blue
Fin Building, rising above the impressive skyline of London’s Southbank.

are sold on a first come first-served basis at £39.00 per a head to
include a presentation and Q&A session with Heather Angel from 18.00
to 20.30.

To book your place:

Call 0203 148 4326 to pay by card

us at spiadmin@ipcmedia.com with the words ‘HEATHER ANGEL SEMINAR’ in
the subject line. Please include your name, address and telephone

Post a cheque made payable to ‘IPC Media Ltd’, to SPI
Macro Seminar, IPC Media, 9th Floor Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark
Street, London SE1 0SU.

Please include your name, address, email and telephone number

Price includes: All talks/Q&As, glass of wine. Please note that the places are only confirmed upon receipt of payment. Tickets are non-refundable