Photographic retailer Calumet is set to re-launch its Manchester Downing street store, with a week-long photo festival complete with exclusive seminars, special offers and an exhibition. t
Photographic retailer Calumet is set to re-launch its Manchester Downing street store, with a week-long photo festival complete with exclusive seminars, special offers and an exhibition.
Store manager Leon Britton explains ?we never actually closed the store during this refit. This meant some inconvenience for our customers, so now we have planned a big ?thank-you? for their patience.?
The £250,000 makeover follows in the footsteps of two recently renovated London branches ? Fulham and flagship store Drummond Street ? transforming the store into what Calumet hope to be ?the pre-eminent photo-retail outlet for professional photographers and serious photo-enthusiasts in the north of England.?
Doubling the previous space of the store, the makeover has made room for a new comprehensive rental department as well as an area dedicated to social photography. It will also boast state-of-the-art seminar/studio/training and exhibition facilities, which will play host to landscape photographer Charlie Waite as he exhibits his Light & Land exhibition on the opening night.
Portrait photographer Mark Cleghorn will also feature at the festival, giving two seminars on lighting and Photoshop as well as an array of leading manufacturers who will be showcasing their latest products.
Calumet MD Joe Clark said: ?It?s taken ten months to plan and build but we are sure our customers will think it?s been worth the wait. Downing Street will play host to one of Europe?s most advanced photo-retailing propositions with the compelling benefits of latest imaging products and services from all the major players in the industry, unrivalled one-to-one advice from expert sales staff plus the added bonus of world-class seminar and exhibition facilities.?
The store reopens with its brand-new look on Tuesday April 24. For more information and to book seminar tickets call 0161 274 4455.