Self portrait sprayed onto walls around the world
A British amateur photographer has now become an icon after a French artist turned one of his self portraits on Flickr into a graffiti template.
Jon Cartwright, a 33-year old from London, has told newspapers including Metro of his bemusement, after a French artist, who calls himself C215 on Flickr, took his moody self-portrait, changed it into a template, and has sprayed the image all across the world.
The original image was posted in February on Flickr, and C215, whose real name is Christian Guemy, according to Metro, was one of the many admirers to comment on it. Guemy promised cryptically: ‘This is a great picture of you. I will provide you soon or later a surprise’. And Cartwright was just that when his face started appearing on buildings around the world from Morocco to London.
Said Cartwright to Metro: ‘I’d be lying if I pretended I didn’t get a big kick out of it. His work is incredible. It’s quite nice to be involved.’
To view more of Cartwright’s work, hit this link to his Flickr page.