Our book review of Photoshop CS4: Essential Skills in Paperback by Mark Galer and Philip Andrews
Title: Photoshop CS4: Essential Skills
Author: Mark Galer and Philip Andrews
ISBN: 0240521242
Publisher: Focal Press
Edition: Paperback
RRP: £22.99
Dimensions: 448 pages, 24.4 x 18.8 x 3 cm
Weighing in at just under 500 pages, this is the definitive manual-cum-tutorial guide for Photoshop CS4 users. Written by two Adobe ambassadors and in the case of Philip Andrews, long-time WDC contributor there isnt a single feature of Adobes comprehensive imageediting software that goes unexplained.
The book is loosely divided into three parts or, as the book prefers to call them, modules: the first is a Foundation Module that aims to teach the basics of using a digital darkroom and good workflow practice, along with Raw processing and digital printing; the second deals with Advanced Skills and aims to cover everything from making selections, using layers, layer blends and filters; the final, and chunkiest section of the book is dedicated to Imaging Projects, that is to say a series of retouching and montage projects that can be undertaken using images on the complimentary DVD that is supplied with the book. Ah yes, the DVD. As with all good self-teach tools in the Focal Press range, Photoshop CS4 Essential Skills comes with a DVD packed with hours of tutorials.
What Digital Camera Rating: 91%