Our book review of Basics Photography: Post Production Black and White in Paperback by Steve MacLeod and published by AVA Publishing
Title: Basics Photography: Post Production Black and White
Author: Steve MacLeod
ISBN: 2940373051
Publisher: AVA Publishing
Edition: Paperback
RRP: £17.95
Dimensions: 176 pages, 22.6 x 16 x 1.6 cm
This latest title in the Basics Photography series covers both film and digital, and as a result there are some sections that arent directly relevant to the digital photographer. With a little bit of adaptation, however, some of these can be successfully transferred to digital.
A section on image manipulation covers the basics of conversion, with images illustrating the result of the different conversion techniques, sitting alongside each other for easy comparison.
The book goes on to cover basic workflow tips, file management advice, colour management instructions and the sometimes-overlooked area of presenting the finished article.
Overall, while the title isnt entirely digital-focused, the content that is focused to digital is spot on.
What Digital Camera Rating: 86%