Our book review of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Essentials in Paperback by John Beardsworth and published by Ilex

Title: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Essentials

Author: John Beardsworth

ISBN: 1905814003

Publisher: Ilex

Edition: Paperback

RRP: £17.95

Dimensions: 144 pages, 27.6 x 21.2 x 1.4 cm

It’s fair to say that Adobe Lightroom is well on its way to revolutionising the workflow of the digital photographer. As the opening gambit of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Essentials terms it – ‘Can you honestly say the prospect of evaluating and processing hundreds of digital images has never taken the shine off an exciting day’s photography?’ Those sentiments certainly ring true if you’re filling up your 8GB memory card with both Raw and JPEGs, as is so often the case nowadays.

The book sets its stall out early on – it states how Adobe focused Lightroom on having ‘discoverability’ and pitches at the photographer who would rather do away with ‘low-level’ guidance in exchange for ‘best practice’ tips. As a result, the title is split into the two main areas Lightroom covers – its Library and its Develop functionality. In both sections, Beardsworth is all- encompassing without rambling, and as such the title works both as a reference point and a cover-to-cover read.

More than an instruction booklet but no War and Peace, if you’re thinking of joining the Lightroom revolution you could do far worse than invest in Lightroom Essentials.

 What Digital Camera Rating: 89%