World-renowned adventure photographer Michael Clark shed light on what it takes to follow in his precarious footsteps...
Adventure Photography
Title: Adventure Photography
Author: Michael Clark
ISBN: 978-1-60059-519-6
Publisher: Lark Books
Review: A career in photography can mean lead down many different paths. There are well-paid studio and fashion photographers, landscape and wildlife photographers, as well as jobbing press photographers, amongst many others. It’s safe to say, however, that one of the most desirable of the lot is that of the outdoor and extreme sports photographers.
Michael Clark is someone who makes a living in some of the most breathtaking natural environments. His work has appeared in National Geographic and Sports Illustrated to name just two publications, and in Adventure Photography he share the tricks of the trade.
As well as telling you what kit you’ll need to follow in his footsteps, Clark talks the reader through all the tricks of the trade relating to a range of sports. Not only that, but Clark goes behind the scenes and explores the nuts and bolts of going pro and selling your images. Whether you’re an outdoor sports fan or not, Adventure Photography is crammed full of tips and tricks applicable to any outdoor photographer or anyone looking to turn their hobby into a career. What Digital Camera Score: 88%