The latest Ricoh GXR module has been launched, offering a fixed 28mm lens and APS-C sized sensor. The new module joins the A12 50mm, which has the same sensor size, as well as the S10 24-72mm and P10 28-300mm units.

GXR’s modular system differs from standard interchangeable lens cameras by combining both the lens and sensor into one sealed unit. The unit is then attached to the body via a bespoke connection allowing control of the likes of zoom, shutter speed and focus on camera.

The A12 28mm unit has an aperture of f/2.5 and a resolution of 12.30 MP, which is the same as the A12 50mm unit, as is the APS-C size of the sensor. 720p movies are also possible and the ISO range is 200-3200.

The 28mm unit gives a wide angle option to the GXR range, and should be useful for landscapes and portraiture. There’s no RRP as yet, although the cost of the GXR body needs to be taken into account once it is.

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