The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has rejected some of Forgent Networku2019s claims to the rights of the JPEG patent.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has rejected some of Forgent Network?s claims to the rights of the JPEG patent. During a patent re-examination process initiated by the Public Patent Foundation (PubPat) last year, the office invalidated “the broadest claims of the patent” in a non-final ruling.
The row dates back to a patent acquired by Texan company Forgent when it purchased Compression Labs in 1997. Over the last few years the company has initiated a series of patent infringement lawsuits against industry giants including Apple, Canon, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Microsoft over the use of the JPEG format.
Forgent said that this “intellectual property program” has brought in more than $105 million in revenues over the past years – primarily as a result of what has become known as the ‘672’ JPEG patent.
Despite this latest ruling, Forgent Networks feels that it has emerged victorious. The firm said that USPTO upheld a “majority of the patent” – 27 of 46 elements of the ‘672 patent are still in place. In a brief statement, the company said that it would vigorously defend the remaining claims that were not initially upheld in this first office action.