If youu2019re looking for some interesting reading during the holidays then look no further than Zeiss Camera Lens News. The free online newsletter focusses on Zeiss lenses but its technical content is truly excellent and deserves a broader readership.
Picture taken on the lunar surface using a Carl Zeiss lens – as discussed in (and taken from) the current edition of Zeiss Camera Lens News (http://www.zeiss.com/cln).
There was a time when every photographic manufacturer seemed to want to be top of the tree when it came to revealing its technical expertise. Nowadays such efforts seem to be much more low-key.
Zeiss remains one of the companies that have not shifted from a position of technical excellence and as part of its campaign Zeiss offers a free online newsletter that makes interesting reading for users of lens of all makes.
The latest Zeiss Camera Lens News was published in mid-December
and includes features on;
- Christian Kernchen comments on the Distagon T* 3.5/18 ZE, Planar T* 1.4/50 ZE and Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZE, all used on the Canon 5D Mk-II.
- Photo Contest: “Light is my language” (open until January 16th: all pictures must have been taken using Zeiss lenses).
- How a combined high-speed pco.dimax camera and Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZF fared when asked by NASA to film a space shuttle launch in 2009.
- Zeiss camera lens names explained; Planar. Sonnar, Tessar, Distagon and Biogon.
- Bryan Adams and the 2011 Carl Zeiss Calendar, featuring model Tatjana Patitz and actor Michael J. Fox. There is also an opportunity to enter a draw to win a copy of the calendar (just send an email marked “Win a Calendar” to photo@zeiss.de before 14 January 2011).
To read the latest Zeiss Camera Lens News, simply go to http://www.zeiss.com/cln and if you like what you read then click the Subscribe link to be notified about future editions of Zeiss Camera Lens News as soon as they are published.