What Digital Camera magazine has been improved, with lots of extra features and content, making it the essential guide to what camera equipment to buy and how to use it.
What Digital Camera is changing from next month, with a new design, a new focus and a host of new features.
WDC has always been the magazine of choice for anyone considering buying a new camera, but from the May issue it will also be helping digital photographers to get the very best out of the cameras they already own.
It features camera based techniques covering everything from the best settings to use for different subjects, to those hidden tips and tricks buried deep in the menus that users may not be aware of.
From May, the magazine will contain:
- More technique
- More inspiration
- More ideas
Plus, it will still be the biggest and most comprehensive camera and lens listings of any monthly magazine in the UK.
The new look magazine is available in newsagents from this Friday.