Amazon Wide ranging coverage of lighting for film and digital photography, with specific examples of both Full details of basic and advanced lighting methods...
Title: The Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting: For Film and Digital Photography
Author: Jon Tarrant
ISBN: 0240515803
Publisher: Focal Press
Edition: Paperback
Review: Amazon Wide ranging coverage of lighting for film and digital photography, with specific examples of both Full details of basic and advanced lighting methods, including stroboscopic and high-speed techniques Technique-led approach, with intermediate and alternative pictures and Polaroid prints given for many examples Covers many different kinds of lighting, from working with daylight to dedicated studio arrangements Jon Tarrant offers practical guidance on equipment, guidance on technique and information about some of the underlying theories that apply to photographic lighting. Starting from general principles and progressing through ever more specific details, he leads the reader towards a series of example images that show the application of photographic lighting in a wide variety of different situations. Anyone working with film or digital imaging will find this an essential reference source that is packed with both information and ideas.