A useful addition to the bookshelf of an enthusiastic novice of Photoshop Elements 4
Title: The Digital Photographer’s Guide to Photoshop Elements 4: Improve Your Photographs and Create Fantastic Special Effects
Author: Barry Beckham
ISBN: 1904705898
Publisher: Ilex
Edition: Paperback
Review: This third instalment of Ilex’s editing guide has been updated to reflect the new challenges presented by Elements 4. Divided into both background chapters and step-by-step projects, the emphasis is fully on the digital beginner as the book tackles subjects such as ‘The digital way’ before moving on to break down simple retouching techniques including removing redeye and improving lighting. Easy to navigate and stylishly designed, this book is fairly comprehensive in its scope of the tasks most commonly undertaken by photographers just starting out in imaging. High-quality images are scattered throughout, providing valuable visual aids. Though much of the material is covered within Elements’ own on-screen tutorials, the tome is a useful addition to the enthusiastic novice’s bookshelf.