A beginner's introduction to Adobe Photoshop
Title: Digital Photography Beyond the Camera
Author: Ian Farrell
ISBN: 0715325590
Publisher: David & Charles
Edition: HB
Review: As its name implies, the main focus of this new hardback is what happens after the picture is taken. Using Adobe Photoshop, Ian Farrell takes the reader on a journey through all the most popular and useful enhancements and corrections, while omitting the more esoteric ones. Unlike guides such as Martin Evening’s Adobe Photoshop for Photographers, it doesn’t attempt to be definitive but what it does cover it does in an easy-to-follow style.
Topics include basic exposure and colour enhancements, cloning, retouching, correcting distortion, converting to black and white and printing. Overall, the book proves to be a good introduction to the topic for those who want only the most useful aspects.
What Digital Camera Score: 84%