Samsung announce latest GX10 firmware update
Samsung release GX10 firmware update
Samsung announces latest GX10 firmware update
Samsung has announced the release of firmware update software version 1.20 for their GX10 model. The software upgrade offers new and enhanced functionality of features on the DX10, including the following ?
? Built-in flash function for use in wireless mode
? Return to centre AF point with just one button push
? The ability to change the ISO setting using the e-dial in TV/AV
? modes
? The ability to change the ISO sensitivity with the front e-dial
? The green button function is now available in M mode has been added to TV/AV modes
? A function for switching the AV/TV settings between the front and rear e-dials
? A function that sets the strobe light compensation to its default value, using the green button
? Display of memory size when a memory card is formatted
For further information and to download the upgrade, visit ?