Upload scanned images directly to social media with the Epson Perfection V550 Photo
The Perfection V550 has a 6400dpi resolution, an optical density of 3.4 Dmax and a built-in transparency unit.
Epson says that the scanner will be able to handle a wide range of media, including photographs, posters, filmstrips and medium format film.
As with other scanners in the Perfection series, the V550 also features Epson’s Digital ICE Technology, which removes scratches, dust and imperfections from damaged film.
The firm made much of the scanner’s direct uploading capabilities. With Epson Easy Photo Scan, users will be able to upload scanned images directly to social media and photo sharing sites.
Given that last week saw the release of the Wi-Fi enabled Epson Small-in-One range of printers, it seems that Epson is currently firmly focused on the sharing potential of its products.
The Epson Perfection range has been a reliable name in photo scanning for some time, as you can see from some of our reviews of Perfection products from years gone by.
The new Epson Perfection V550 Photo will be available from September, priced at £179.99. For more information visit www.epson.eu.