Take 100MP 360 degree images with camera and motorized head
With the LizardQ you could be taking shots similar to the stunning Panoramic images of Budapest. The motorized head is able to rotate through 360 degrees horizontal and 180 degrees vertical, making it capable of taking a spherical shot of an environment.
The unit is compatible with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, which can come included in the Complete kit, and a fish eye lens. The LizardQ will then rotate, taking multiple images without the need for user interaction. This can be triggered via an iPhone, iPod touch or similar wi-fi capable device, and paused at any time.
The included software there process the information, stitching together the photos and adjusting for exposure differences. As the panoramic image is shot in the Raw format the end result is large enough to magnify to an impressive degree, and the file is then geotagged to insure the exact location is logged.
The LizardQ is available for purchase or rent, with an operator, at www.lizardQ.com