Getty Images, the online stock photo site, has now launched a toolbox to help contributors get their images noticed and earn commission

Getty Images has just launched a new online Artist Digital Toolbox for its contributors. The toolbox was created to provide Getty Image’s contributors with free tools and support, following requests for apps, logos and web banners needed for promotion. This allows traffic to direct to specific work from both websites and social networking sites.

Versions of the ‘I’m a Getty Images Artist’ logo are available for use on blogs and social media, as well as to watermark images and footage, helping to protect from unauthorised use.

Getty Images is also launching the Contributor Affiliate Programme, offering users the opportunity to earn commission as a result of directing traffic to Contributors can sign up to the programme quickly online and can then earn 15% commission for directing new users or 7% for existing Getty Images customers on all sales.

The Artist Digital Toolbox is now available online at: