Aperture is a fast image-processing engine from Apple, enabling professional photographers to organise and edit their pictures.
Aperture is a fast image-processing engine from Apple, enabling professional photographers to organise and edit their pictures.
The program supports RAW files from all the major manufacturers as well as TIFFS and JPEGS.
Users can navigate projects using the full-screen workspace (an industry first), which can be extended to show multiple displays and images, designed to make photo comparisons easy.
Photographs can be automatically grouped into Stacks based upon the time between each shot, while the Loupe tool enables you to look at pictures in detail without having to zoom or pan across large files. The virtual Light Table functions as a free-form space that can be used for creating photo layouts, which can be arranged and resized.
RAW files can be enhanced within Aperture without being converted. Aperture doesn?t alter the original pixels of a photo, enabling you to delete or adjust any changes you have made while you work. Additionally it can create multiple copies of the same file, without taking up hard drive space. The program supports ColourSync profiles and includes an Automator batch-processing function.
Aperture will be available from the Apple Store and authorised retailers for £349. Find out more at www.apple.com/aperture.