What's in the fifteenth day of our advent calendar?

Vincent Oliver


50% off Vincent Oliver Photography technique DVDs

Get your 50% off

A guide to digital photography – £7.99 + £2.50 P+P

This 2 hour 20 minute DVD shows you how to get the best results from your digital camera by means of exclusive assignments shot on location. The pictures are manipulated in Adobe Photoshop Elements (an easy to use application for digital photography), and are in the form of a fully animated screen shot movies.

This DVD is visual, practical and presented in a user-friendly way. Designed to inform and inspire, the chapters and assignments include: Portraiture, Landscapes, Action, Architecture, Panoramas, Night photography, Interiors

A guide to digital printing & scanning – £7.99 + £2.50 P&P

This 2 hour 54 minute DVD shows you how to get the best from your printer and scanner in an easy to follow way. It is written and presented by Vincent Oliver, photographer and editor of www.photo-i.co.uk

Subjects covered include: choosing the right printer, colour management, media, colour printing, b/w printing, resolution, scanning techniques, scanning film, plus bonus restoration tutorials.

For full details and to purchase visit the Photoi site

We have made arrangements with different third party retailers to provide these offers. If you are unhappy with any offer or free gift then please contact the supplier. In many cases numbers may be limited on a first come first serve basis, and when amounts run out no alternative wil be offered.