A new range of cases made from recycled tyres...
Tread Campouch
‘Tyred’ of the usual camera pouches? Then this is a Goodyear for you because there’s a new range of cases made from (yes, you guessed it) recycled tyres. Or rather the inner tubes. Don’t laugh – these tough little blighters may smell like new wellies but they’re acid resistant (useful!) and are able to withstand temperatures of up to 110°C (you’d be dead, but your camera would be saved). What’s more, you won’t get black fingers from handling them.
The rubber comes from Latin American truck tyres. My sample case, apparently, came from a banana lorry driven 672 miles by Juan Matus. There’s even a map of his journey on the packaging. Yeah, right.
Tread, the aptly named brand behind this range of cases for phones, iPods, laptops and, of course cameras, makes much of its environmental cred, and its benevolence towards its workers in its factory in Columbia.
The medium Campouch reviewed here is certainly ideal for your average Canon IXUS type compact. It's lined with soft fabric, padded, and there's a belt loop on the back too. The cases are hand made to a very high standard and look very nice but, as with many other ‘socially responsible' products, there's a high price to pay - £23 in the case of this little pouch. For me, that's a touch too expensive.