Gone are the days when if you had a photography business your marketing strategy consisted of an 1/8th page ad in the yellow pages. The world has moved online and savvy photographers have learned to use the web to their advantage.

Product Overview


Social Media Marketing for Digital Photographers

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Author: Lawrence Chan

The world has moved online and savvy photographers have learned to use the web to their advantage. This means having your own website, but how do you get people to visit it? One of the most effective methods of marketing these days is via social media using Facebook or Twitter. But there’s a lot more to it than just having these things, you have to post the right kind of content or your potential audience will just switch off, or become more annoyed than engaged.  Chan helps guide the uninitiated through the minefield, using examples of companies who have used social media cleverly, and those who have not been so canny. A very useful book that could pay for itself in no time.