The 12.25-megapixel Sony Alpha A700 is the second digital SLR the Japanese electronics giant has launched and is aimed at the serious enthusiast.
Sony Alpha a700 Review
In 2006 Sony launched the mid-range Alpha A100 to much fanfare, although in truth the camera was really a Konica Minolta 5D with a few new features. So it’s been with bated breath and ever-rising impatience that we’ve waited for the next model, especially given Sony’s stated desire to challenge Nikon and Canon’s dominance of the DSLR market.
The first hint of what what was to follow came with the company’s announcement of its commitment to CMOS sensor development, followed by the announcement of a new sensor, with a potential burst rate of 10.39fps, built on CMOS technology.
And now we have the outcome – the Sony Alpha 700 – a camera built to semi-pro specifications, with a host of new and improved features. Do Canon and Nikon have anything to worry about?
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