The Samsung NX300 follows on from the NX210 and is the new flagship model in the company’s NX-series. Have the latest developments and improvements made it a better performing system? We find out in the Samsung NX300 review...

Product Overview

Overall rating:


Samsung NX300

Overall score:91%
Image Quality:90%


  • Fast AF; Responsive touch screen; i-Function lens technology; Battery life


  • Buffer performance; Screen resolution could be higher; No in-built flash


Samsung NX300 Review


Sample Image Gallery

These are just a small selection of sample images from the Samsung NX300. For more, visit the Samsung NX300 review sample image gallery.

Samsung NX300 review sample image 1

1/400 sec @ f/4, ISO 400, +1EV, AWB

Samsung NX300 review sample image 2

1/100 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 100, +0.6EV, AWB

Samsung NX300 review sample image 3

1/400 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 400, +1EV, AWB

Samsung NX300 review sample image 4

1/125 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 100, +1EV, AWB

  1. 1. Samsung NX300 review - Features
  2. 2. Design
  3. 3. Performance
  4. 4. Image Quality
  5. 5. Verdict
  6. 6. Sample Image Gallery
  7. 7. Video review
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