Vote now in the WDC Good Service Awards...

When you’re buying a camera or any item of photographic equipment the service you receive is as important as the price you pay. Whether its informative buying advice, helpful after sales service or, in the case on online retailers, swift delivery and equally swift action if things go wrong, good service is a precious commodity that should be shouted from the rooftops.

That’s where the What Digital Camera Good Service Awards comes in, by recognising and rewarding those retailers who go that extra mile. There are three categories: Best Online Retailer; Best High Street Independent Retailer and Best High Street Multiple Retailer.

If you’ve recently bought some gear we’d like you to rate the service to tell us what you think of the service you received – whether it was good or bad.

To add your vote, simply fill out the Good service awards form to add your vote.

The WDC Team.