A concise, well-illustrated guide to Elements tools and features to enhance digital photographs

Title: Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0: A Visual Introduction to Digital Imaging

Author: Philip Andrews

ISBN: 0240520114

Publisher: Focal Press

Edition: Paperback

Review: Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 provides a concise, well-illustrated guide to Elements tools and features, and how to use to best effect in order to enhance digital photographs. Highlighted in the text of this third edition are features new to Elements 4.0.

Written by regular WDC contributor Philip Andrews, the topics covered are comprehensive and engaging to follow, making it an essential purchase. Advanced Photoshop Elements 4.0 takes things a step further, looking in greater detail at the program’s features, including: masking, using text and working with selections; making it particularly suitable for those with some knowledge of the program.

The chapters ‘Darkroom Techniques on the Desktop’, showing how to replicate traditional photography techniques, and ‘Producing Effective Graphics’ are particularly interesting. Accompanying each book is a website with downloadable images that users can use to gain valuable practical experience, while they learn.