Canon has added HD video to its latest G series addition, the Canon G12, but is this new feature enough to merit an upgrade from the previous generation, and is it enough to keep the G series at the top of the advanced compact tree? The Canon PowerShot G12 review finds out...

Product Overview

Overall rating:

Overall score:92%
Image Quality:95%


  • Timeless design, HD video addition, New control wheel on the camera's front


  • Could maybe of done with a few more upgrades


Canon PowerShot G12


Price as reviewed:



Canon PowerShot G12 review – Performance

As observed on previous models in the G series, the start up
time isn’t the quickest with the G12, although the compact is ready for shooting within a matter of seconds. Once shooting, waiting isn’t an issue either – the G12 clearly packs quite a punch under the hood as it manages to process Raw and JPEG capture in no time at all (the same cannot be said for some of the G12’s competitors).

Auto focus on the G12 is also refreshingly prompt and accurate. The model snaps to focus in no time at all, while the addition of a fast and accurate Tracking AF system is also welcome. Add to this an easy-to-use manual focus system and the result is a fairly complete configuration.

While the G12’s LCD doesn’t have the highest resolution on the market, it still succeeds in displaying accurate tone and detail in both composition and review. While the vari-angle element may not be to everyone’s liking, there’s no doubt that at certain times it will come in handy for almost all photographers.

One of the standout benefits of the G12 is just how easy it is to get the results that you want. The control layout is very well thought through, and the addition of the front control wheel only serves to enhance this. One gripe would possibly be that the rear control wheel sits a touch too close to the camera’s vari-angle LCD screen, although this is a problem solved by simply pulling the screen from the camera’s body. All in all, the combination of an intuitive menu system and first-class control layout make the
G12 a joy to use.

  1. 1. Canon PowerShot G12 review - Features
  2. 2. Design
  3. 3. Performance
  4. 4. Image Quality and Value
  5. 5. Canon G12 manual
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