Our book review of 365 Ways to Save the Earth in Hardback by Philippe Bourseiller

Title: 365 Ways to Save the Earth

Author: Philippe Bourseiller

ISBN:  0810959518

Publisher: Harry N. Abrams, Inc

Edition: Hardback

RRP: £19.95

Dimensions: 752 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 5.3 cm

The finality of our planet is a topic never far away from the front pages of the papers these days, and rightly so. Unless we change our ways we have – depending on which doom-monger you subscribe to – anywhere between 10 and 100 years to make a change before it’s too late (if it isn’t too late already, that is).

However, something that appears difficult to communicate is how the small changes we can all make can have a big impact on saving the planet. 365 Ways to Save the Earth tackles exactly this by highlighting 365 individual small personal changes we can make, presenting them as ‘a tip a day’ for the whole year.

They appear as a written ‘planet fact’ and tip on the left-hand page, juxtaposed with an inspiring image of our planet, be it natural life or landscape, on the right. It’s an effective combination; the text explains how simple it is to have an impact, while the image illustrates what we stand to lose if change isn’t made.

Published using environmentally friendly paper and inks, 365 Ways to Save the Earth is highly readable. While the calendar format makes the advice easily digestible, the wealth of tips on offer provides plentiful evidence as to how much impact one person can have if they really want to. An essential title for the unstable times in which we live.

 What Digital Camera Rating: 91%